Apply Now: VKMG: Gaming Project

Qweerty Gamers is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides LGBTQ+ resources, support, and networking access to advance visibility and representation in the global gaming and media industry.

The VKMG: Gaming Project helps further our mission by providing financial and non-financial support to gaming projects that help increase the visibility and representation of LGBTQ+ themes and/or characters within the medium of video games.

Applicants must have an ongoing video game project upon application submission and a clear purpose for using the grant fund (access to software or hardware, overhead, licensing fees, etc.). Additionally,  the project needs to clearly help shape a more inclusive LGBTQ+ environment, themes, or narratives within the gaming industry.

The deadline for applications is May 2nd at 11:59 PM PT. The recipient(s) for Gaming Project 2025 will be contacted in June or July 2024. The amount of this grant is up to $2000. Apply now.


Raymond Lancione is the President and CEO of Qweerty Gamers. Ray has defined his abilities at game developer studios like Nexon and Pearl Abyss with a background in social media, player relations, content creation, and influencer management. In 2018, Ray officially formed Qweerty Gamers, a nonprofit 501(c)(3).

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